Want better value for money?

Why not sign up to our monthly membership and get all our content included. We even give you a one month FREE trial!

A great way to learn martial arts

for 11 YEARS OLD and above

Our Teen classes give our members really concise and challenging content to all the basic elements of our martial arts. We cover three main aspects of our programme; kickboxing, grappling with submissions and Self defence. 

We introduce them to other martial arts disciplines such as Brazilian Jiujitsu and Muay Thai boxing where we can introduce them to competitive contact sports.

Feedback from a coach

During the live online lessons, our coaching team will be there to motivate and encourage our members. In the second month, members can upload a short video to get feedback on things they can practice.

When are the live classes held?

We are holding the live classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 5.30 pm during term time.

What does it cost?

We charge just £10 per month to have one live online class and the content to practise at home.